Owner / Coach

Tara O’Rourke

My passion is helping people discover their bodys full ability. From learning how to do your first pull up, being able to bend over and pick something up after a back surgery to increasing your strength, power and capacity to take your sporting achievements to that next level. Whatever your goals are I make it my mission to help you achieve them.

I have been in the fitness industry helping people achieve their goals for over 14 years.
I have been a certified CrossFit Coach since 2010 and coached hundreds of different people over the past 12 years.
Some of those being Kids, Teens, Women through pregnancy, Women Postpartum, people with absolutely zero physical activity experience, injuries, disabilities, competitive CrossFit Athletes, Sporting Athletes, MMA Athletes, & Weightlifting athletes to national levels and people just looking to loose a bit of weight and get in better shape.

NZIS - Certified Personal Trainer
CrossFit Level 2 - Certified Coach (CF-L2) trainer
CrossFit Gymnastics Certified
CrossFit Strongman Certified
CrossFit Kids Coach
Concept 2 Rowing Certified
CrossFit Weightlifting - Level 1
Australian Weightlifting Federation - Level 1
First Aid


 “I believe everyone has the opportunity to become a stronger, healthier version of themself.”